Corporate Headquarters
4711 Viewridge Avenue, Suite 210
San Diego, CA 92123-1654
p: 858.541.0788
f: 858.541.0787
San Diego, California
Project Summary
Mechanical and plumbing engineering services for the tenant improvement of Jewish Family Service buildings located at 8788 and 8804 Balboa Ave, San Diego, California. The client, Jewish Family Service, currently owns and occupies both buildings, 8788 (18,846 square feet) and 8804 (24,221 square feet). We understand this project will be will consist of a complete demolition, reconstruction and tenant improvement to both buildings. The tenant improvement consists of private office, open offices, storage rooms, janitor’s rooms, food shopping area, kitchens and restrooms.
Project documents will be completed in three separate packets for submittal to the City for permitting (Bldg. 8804, Bldg. 8788 and the site) and there will be three phases of TI construction and two phases of site construction. We understand there are no as-builts and the design is to be completed in AutoCAD.