Corporate Headquarters

4711 Viewridge Avenue, Suite 210

San Diego, CA 92123-1654

p: 858.541.0788

f: 858.541.0787


Luke AFB, Arizona

Project Summary

Design-Build for the renovation of Building 528, existing 3-story masonry building approximately 36,872 square feet of dormitory space and common support areas:

  • Remove and replace the existing Fan coil Units in the dormitories’ with new vertical units within new closet spaces.
  • Remove and replace Ductwork associated to each Fan coil Unit. Provide new ductwork.
  • Piping to each existing Fan coil Unit shall be removed back to each Main located in the attic and capped for reuse. 2-pipe Mains in attic and distribution shall remain as is. Points of connection shall be at mains.
  • All Exhaust ducts and risers shall be removed back to mains in attic and capped for re-use.
  • Domestic Hot, Cold and hot water return piping shall be replaced with new. POC will be at or in Mechanical room at Main Supply Lines.
  • Provide new waste and vent piping to all first floor Dorm Plumbing fixtures from existing underground mains.
  • All Plumbing fixtures in dorm rooms shall be replaced with new.
  • Provide all new waste and vent piping and risers as required to all fixtures all floors.
  • Public Restrooms: replace wall hung Lavatories and floor mounted Flush valve toilets with faucet, Flush valve, supplies and stops.
  • Game Room: replace fan coil unit and piping and ductwork (6) units total with new, and replace t-stats.
  • Television room: replace fan coil unit and piping and ductwork (3) units total with new, and replace t-stats.
  • Vending areas: (3) existing T-stats shall be replaced.
  • ATFP requirements will have to be implemented and or added.

Design-Build for the renovation of Building 542, existing 3-story masonry building approximately 30,546 square feet of dormitory space and common support areas:

  • Remove and replace the existing Horizontal ceiling mounted Fan coil Units in the dormitories’ with new horizontal ceiling units.
  • Remove and replace associated supply grilles at dorm rooms from each Fan coil Unit.
  • All Dorm toilet room Exhaust air registers to be replaced with New.
  • All Dorm supply registers to be replaced with new.
  • All outside air, supply air, and Exhaust air risers to be relocated.
  • Provide new waste and vent piping to all first floor Dorm Plumbing fixtures from existing POC above grade.
  • All Plumbing fixtures in dorm rooms shall be replaced with new.
  • Provide all new waste and vent piping and risers as required to all fixtures all floors.
  • Laundry room area: Provide single bowl Laundry tub with faucet. Provide new washer boxes for all clothes washers.




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